Make sure you buy a copy of our new and ever lasting Video Cookbook Cartoon Show which features stories about the people who eat at the Delicious Restaurants and the special people who work there! When one of the staff goes missing everyone shows up before Christmas Eve and this year everyone finds out that Santa is moonlighting as an Eye Doctor before he leaves for his Christmas Sleigh ride full of new glasses! What happened to the Chef? Complete with characters created by Michelle Ann Charity Fortune the story plots develop into a likable comedy that lightens the heart of all ages! The characters are modeled after the devoted people working hard everyday to satisfy the publics need for good food! Delicious Restaurants is the theme for these children's book in a delightful series available now for order. Don't miss this retail explosion for a new and interesting way to excite children and their desire to understand how people get along and how they work together and care about each other and learn to asset their best individual strengths. Order today: Chef Club Superstars Talent Show, Santa Is an Eye Doctor, Major League Sports, Food Pantry, Happy Birthday, Cozy Court, Koo-Koo Chef, Happy Anniversary, Penney, Dime and "Y" ! The complete series available now and the DVD cartoon show is included with every copy purchased online through https://www.theincrediblechef.net website. Look for many different retail items available in stores this holiday season. Ask for our products in your department stores and find out what happened to the Chef!